[SOLVED] Question regarding the InterACT GameShark (2.3)

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[SOLVED] Question regarding the InterACT GameShark (2.3)

Post by jowijo » November 17th, 2017, 4:21 pm

EDIT: Since it's still the top thread, I figured I'd add that the GameShark flashed nicely (after making three CD coasters and 13 attempts at the swap trick). It can at least let me run... backups of games off the CD-R. It doesn't quite solve my coms problem, but I can at least test it down the road.

Original Post:
I just bought an InterACT Game Shark v2.3 on eBay (Should be this one), and have looked into UniROM, and know that at the very least, I will be able to boot backup discs and whatnot, which is good enough.

My main question, and threads here don't seem too clear on an answer, is can the parallel port be used for PSXSerial/Psy-Q deployment? If so, what kind of cable or PCI-E interface should I buy? I only have a modern PC and Arch Linux/Windows 10.

That's fine if it doesn't, I just wanted some clarification.
Last edited by jowijo on November 25th, 2017, 5:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by gwald » November 18th, 2017, 10:45 pm

LIke Orion_ said in the thread you linked to, only v3 of the gameshark cart can use the printer port, all other versions require the comms card, TMK the comm cards are ISA slot.

PSXSerial is using the PS1 serial port with PC's serial port or USB adapter

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Post by jowijo » November 19th, 2017, 10:26 am

gwald wrote:LIke Orion_ said in the thread you linked to, only v3 of the gameshark cart can use the printer port, all other versions require the comms card, TMK the comm cards are ISA slot.
So they can be used to communicate with the PC, just not with a standard interface? I intend to get a PSIO at some point, but my question for this more is can I use utilities that allow me to say deploy code to be run, or backup my memory card; things like that? Again, the memory card issue can be solved through other devices, but I was curious if it could be done with this cards' PC interface.
PSXSerial is using the PS1 serial port with PC's serial port or USB adapter
By "PSXSerial", I more just meant "Deploying code from PSY-Q to the PlayStation like dcip for the Dreamcast and KOS; or XBLA and the Xbox 360.

Thanks for your response.

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Post by gwald » November 19th, 2017, 9:52 pm

I don't know PSIO comms features.

You dont have version 3, so TMK, no, you'll need a comms card also, that thread explains it well.
To send and receive from the PS1 using the game shark you use a program called Caetla.
You can send to RAM (exe, media, etc), receive VRAM(image data), not sure about receiving memory card data, but I would think it can, just research Caeltla & Catflap.

TMK, PSXSerial doesn't use Caelta.

There maybe something more modern now, but I'm not aware of anything newer
Last edited by gwald on November 19th, 2017, 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by nocash » November 19th, 2017, 11:36 pm

If your PC has a parallel port: Use the FiveWire mod (allows to upload EXE files from no$psx to the console).

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Post by jowijo » November 22nd, 2017, 3:06 am

So, while I can still flash the card and play backups and imports, I cannot use PC comm functions without some convoluted ISA-PCI-E setup. No problem, as like I said I will get a PSIO once they're available. I appreciate the clarification.

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