Cpe2x for Win7

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Post by Shadow » July 8th, 2016, 11:45 pm

gwald wrote:Edit, can't run in dos mode, it might work without dosbox, I think dosbox is just 16bit.
win7 64 should run a win32 exe :shrug
Well first off, he is using the Windows tools. Psy-Q has separate DOS tools. You can try using "DOS4GW.EXE".
Otherwise, yes, just use a 32-bit version of Windows.
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Post by sickle » February 19th, 2020, 10:25 am

Thanks for CPE2X; it's great, it fixes everything.
Just to be clear, I'm leaving this purely out of curiosity.
I'm not advocating using dosbox over cpe2x, it's not a good idea if you can help it.

Found a workaround for the time being using doxbox on the command line:

Asuming your psyq is at c:\psyq\
and your project: c:\psyq\fps\

First copy the following into your project directory from your dosbox install dir (or reference them by their full path, i'm not your mother). I'm using 0.74.

For the future peeps with broken imgurl links, that's Dosbox.exe, dosbox.conf, SDL.dll and SDL_net.dll

Next, alter your dosbox conf to match:

Code: Select all

mount C c:c:
cd c:\psyqcall pspaths
cd c:\psyq\fps
 ! Message from: sicklebrick
Remember to cd into your project dir after setting paths as I have on the last line!
And convert your make file to a .bat something like the following:

Code: Select all

@echo off

echo seting paths...

call c:\psyq\pspaths.bat

echo deleting stuff...

del fps.cpe
del fps.sym
del fps.map

echo ccpsx...

ccpsx -O3 -Xo$80010000 main.c 2mbyte.obj -ofps.cpe,fps.sym,fps.map

echo cpe2x...

REM to debug...
REM dosbox.exe -conf dosbox.conf -c "cpe2x fps.cpe"

REM or to automate this last bit...
REM set SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummydriver
dosbox.exe c:\psyq\bin\cpe2x.exe -conf dosbox.conf -noconsole -exit -c "cpe2x tuto1.cpe"
echo done...

 ! Message from: sicklebrick
The first param "c:\psyq\bin\cpe2x.exe" is only necessary if you want it to automatically exit. E.g. this marks it as a "named" process and dosbox will stay open till it's done!

Should be enough for most cases.
Bit of a faff, but it gets the job done without resorting to VM.

(Note: ccpsx won't run in dosbox, so you can't just get away with doing that!)

(un double posting)

 ! Message from: sicklebrick
Don't use a directory name longer than 8 chars unless you intend to get all oldsch~1 with your names!
Last edited by sickle on July 3rd, 2020, 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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