Building my own multipage PS1 Memory Card?

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Building my own multipage PS1 Memory Card?

Post by ConsoleChairman » February 28th, 2017, 12:35 am

I'm trying to find information that would help me build a multipage memory card that I could actually rely on. Does anyone know of where I should start in figuring this out? The only resource I've found is a thread over on AssemblerGames, but it's from 2011 and I was curious if things like the Raspberry Pi and Arduinos changed the assessment that this would be a project that's a challenge even for a professional engineer.

I'm thinking there must be some way to just have a small MicroSD that's either partitioned into 128 KB chunks or has some kind of controller that only serves 128 KB at a time and a switches/buttons to move back/forward one "page" to get the basic functionality.

The thread at assembler: ... .3%201195/

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Post by ConsoleChairman » March 3rd, 2017, 1:27 am

Okay, so after digging through the documentation and posting elsewhere, I have some more specific questions.

What protocol does the console use to communicate with the memory card? I see a little that it's just SPI but occasionally a comment that it's different in some way.

Is a Saleae Logic 4 enough or would I need a Logic 8? I don't have any of the equipment I'd need so either way I'll have to buy one.

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Post by Orion_ » March 3rd, 2017, 8:33 am

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