What are .SGG and .SFX files?

Audio and Music (Sound Processing Unit) based area of development, including VAB, XA, etc
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What are .SGG and .SFX files?

Post by Raint » February 25th, 2024, 1:01 am

Hello there! I was trying to hack a quite infamous game just out of sheer curiosity: South Park for the PS1 ported by Appaloosa. I wanted to try take apart the whole game and, maybe, change some resources. I had some luck with videos because they're standart .STR files, which are very well documented. But when it came to graphics and audio... Well, I had a really bad luck with that, although PSound found sounds that are inside .SGG and .SFX file format. I could extract audio out of them, but I don't know, how to package them back in those archives. And with PSound I kinda found out that this game uses MIDI playback and stores instruments in .SGG files. There are also .SFX files with sounds for specific levels, weapons and specific character speech etc. Again, I only can extract them, but no luck packing them back though... Maybe, somebody knows, how to deal with that stuff? I'm quite new to romhacking also.
P.S. There is also a PLRSFX file without any extensions that also contains some player speech sounds...

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Post by nocash » February 25th, 2024, 2:58 am

Look at the file headers, just having the extension is a bit meaningless.

.SFX is supposedly short for Sound Effects and could mean anything. There might be some standard used in several games. But I am also sure that several people have used the abbreviation for different file formats.

.SGG files are described in psxspx.it starts with "SEGG", and that Contra game appears to be also from Appaloosa, so that's probably actually what you are looking for?

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Post by Raint » February 25th, 2024, 3:29 am

nocash wrote: February 25th, 2024, 2:58 am Look at the file headers, just having the extension is a bit meaningless.

.SFX is supposedly short for Sound Effects and could mean anything. There might be some standard used in several games. But I am also sure that several people have used the abbreviation for different file formats.

.SGG files are described in psxspx.it starts with "SEGG", and that Contra game appears to be also from Appaloosa, so that's probably actually what you are looking for?
Hm, maybe... I'll try to look forward to this information. Thanks.

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