Memcardrex Software

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Memcardrex Software

Post by aeromaxx » August 1st, 2020, 1:05 pm

So to continue my little saga of trying to get my memory cards to work, I eventually managed to get my Dex Drive working on an old Windows XP machine that I was going to donate, I had previously been trying to get it to work in Windows 7, with a USB to serial adapter, the adapter works fine, but the DexDrive is not detected.

Anyway back to the Windows XP machine, the dexdrive works well here with the onboard serial port, the DexDrive software works great, detects the cards and can format them.

But the MemcardRex software seems to have some issues, if I load it straight up and try to format a card, it says the DexDrive is not detected on COM1, but without changing anything if I go to read the card, it reads successfully, try to format it again and it's not detected the DexDrive again, does the DexDrive go to sleep or something? it does have a light on the top and this is on when reading but then goes out, if the light it not lit MemcardRex never sees the DexDrive.

I guess there is something in the read code that wakes up the DexDrive first before trying to read a card maybe?

Other than that small issue the Memcardrex software seems to be great!

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