Creating a PS1 image from a Net Yaroze game

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Creating a PS1 image from a Net Yaroze game

Post by Ghegs » September 2nd, 2014, 6:39 am

Hey there,

I came across the Net Yaroze game Hover Racing a little while ago and I bought the Playstation Underground 2.2 demo disc that has the game included. I think it's a great game and I'm interested in making a PS1 image file that has just that single game included. I run a site dedicated to arcade-style racing games and I want to run time attack competitions with Hover Racing, so I'm hoping to have the game up for download there, hence the need for a small file with just the one game instead of one of the compilations already available.

From the demo disc I found the files HOVER.FPC and LIBPSX.BIN - can I make a normal, bootable PS1 image with just these, or is something else required? If I can, how would I do it?

I'd love to contact the original developer about this and ask for his official permission, but it doesn't appear he put his contact information anywhere in the game. Just his name, and he's Japanese, so I've been unable to track him down.

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Post by Administrator » September 2nd, 2014, 1:46 pm

I'll look into making a disc with just that game for you. It's very difficult trying to track down the developers of Yaroze games. I have found some here and there, but I never got a reply back from them. I'll let you know when/if it's done :)
Development Console: SCPH-5502 with 8MB RAM, MM3 Modchip, PAL 60 Colour Modification (for NTSC), PSIO Switch Board, DB-9 breakout headers for both RGB and Serial output and an Xplorer with CAETLA 0.34.

PlayStation Development PC: Windows 98 SE, Pentium 3 at 400MHz, 128MB SDRAM, DTL-H2000, DTL-H2010, DTL-H201A, DTL-S2020 (with 4GB SCSI-2 HDD), 21" Sony G420, CD-R burner, 3.25" and 5.25" Floppy Diskette Drives, ZIP 100 Diskette Drive and an IBM Model M keyboard.

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Post by Administrator » September 3rd, 2014, 11:14 pm

Development Console: SCPH-5502 with 8MB RAM, MM3 Modchip, PAL 60 Colour Modification (for NTSC), PSIO Switch Board, DB-9 breakout headers for both RGB and Serial output and an Xplorer with CAETLA 0.34.

PlayStation Development PC: Windows 98 SE, Pentium 3 at 400MHz, 128MB SDRAM, DTL-H2000, DTL-H2010, DTL-H201A, DTL-S2020 (with 4GB SCSI-2 HDD), 21" Sony G420, CD-R burner, 3.25" and 5.25" Floppy Diskette Drives, ZIP 100 Diskette Drive and an IBM Model M keyboard.

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Post by Ghegs » September 4th, 2014, 1:47 am

Wow, thank you very much. And a very small file too, great. I'll put it up for download on Rolling Start and make it clear who was behind this release. :)

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Post by Administrator » September 4th, 2014, 3:01 pm

You're welcome :)

If you or anyone else has any that needs to be released, let me know. I will also look into making a tutorial, but some of the Yaroze games were good and used separate compressed file loading, in which case, you need to load the file into RAM according to what the dload address stated in their batch file. Hover Racing actually did this, so I made my own loader beforehand (seen as MAIN.EXE on the CD-ROM). That loads HOVER.PAC into the 1MB RAM area, while the game (HOVER.EXE) is loaded at the 80010000 mark (64K after the PSX kernel). It was a little weird though, because even if I didn't upload the HOVER.PAC file, the game would still run fine. Mind you I was doing a SGRAM clear on my programs initialisation routines, so the TIM's should have been wiped. Anyway, I left it and uploaded it as per the batch files requirements which is the right thing to do. It's difficult to know exactly what the HOVER.EXE is doing without me attempting to debug it.

Apart from that, it's a very difficult game, but a very good one. A few polygon layering/tearing issues here and there, but that's to be expected. The music is also very nice especially considering it's just 'MIDI' SPU based content.
I only managed to do a full lap twice out of the somewhat 20 odd times I tried :flag
Development Console: SCPH-5502 with 8MB RAM, MM3 Modchip, PAL 60 Colour Modification (for NTSC), PSIO Switch Board, DB-9 breakout headers for both RGB and Serial output and an Xplorer with CAETLA 0.34.

PlayStation Development PC: Windows 98 SE, Pentium 3 at 400MHz, 128MB SDRAM, DTL-H2000, DTL-H2010, DTL-H201A, DTL-S2020 (with 4GB SCSI-2 HDD), 21" Sony G420, CD-R burner, 3.25" and 5.25" Floppy Diskette Drives, ZIP 100 Diskette Drive and an IBM Model M keyboard.

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Post by Ghegs » September 5th, 2014, 6:55 am

Yeah, the four side-boosters take some getting used to, but once you manage to take a tight corner perfectly with 'em it feels great. I just tried the Training mode earlier today, those challenges get really tricky really fast.

The post is now up here, I think in a week or two we'll have a proper time attack tournament. Feel free to join in!

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Post by SpiegelGeist » August 21st, 2021, 8:00 pm


First off, I want to apologize for necro'ing a thread nearly 7 years after the fact, but tbf, I only just discovered it and this place 1 or 2 days ago.

Secondly, I wanted to give a massive thank you to you, Shadow for converting Hover Racing to a Playstation rom. Hover Racing is probably my most played Playstation 1 title, and I have a lot of fond memories of it, so I thank you for giving it the love and care it deserves so that it can be properly preserved. (Fun Fact: The Programmer of Hover Racing is now a Doctor and Professor of Robotics at a major Japanese university!)

Thirdly, I want to humbly and sincerely request the same treatment and preservation for "Little Wing", which was the other quality Net Yaroze title from the first disc of the Playstation Underground 2.2 issue. (With the right plane, and the right speed and angle, you can have your plane literally spin on it's side and loop the entire playfield a couple times).

If you are unwilling or unable, NBD. Ultimately I just wanted to thank you for what you did for Hover Racing (and possibly the same for another Net Yaroze game who deserves more love and also deserves preservation). I hope you and yours have a safe and wonderful weekend, and a safe and wonderful rest of 2021.

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Post by Administrator » August 26th, 2021, 5:24 pm

I'll try and convert it in a few weeks. My Windows 98 computer is unplugged at the moment since I needed the desk space. I will re-connect it soon and then try and convert "Little Wing" for you. I'll send you a private message if I get it done :)
Development Console: SCPH-5502 with 8MB RAM, MM3 Modchip, PAL 60 Colour Modification (for NTSC), PSIO Switch Board, DB-9 breakout headers for both RGB and Serial output and an Xplorer with CAETLA 0.34.

PlayStation Development PC: Windows 98 SE, Pentium 3 at 400MHz, 128MB SDRAM, DTL-H2000, DTL-H2010, DTL-H201A, DTL-S2020 (with 4GB SCSI-2 HDD), 21" Sony G420, CD-R burner, 3.25" and 5.25" Floppy Diskette Drives, ZIP 100 Diskette Drive and an IBM Model M keyboard.

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Post by SpiegelGeist » November 15th, 2021, 11:52 pm

Shadow wrote: August 26th, 2021, 5:24 pm I'll try and convert it in a few weeks. My Windows 98 computer is unplugged at the moment since I needed the desk space. I will re-connect it soon and then try and convert "Little Wing" for you. I'll send you a private message if I get it done :)
My sincere apologies for taking so long to get back to you, 2021 has been a very crazy and busy year, just like 2020 was. I just want to say, thank you very much in advance. These old games getting preserved for the future is such a wonderful thing.

I just want to once again thank you, and to wish You and all of Your Loved Ones a Safe and Great rest of 2021! :)

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