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commercial Homebrews

Posted: August 9th, 2020, 10:42 pm
by Zentek
Hello there,
we are new in this forum and at the moment we are digging into PS1 programming. I am familiar with Amiga 500 programming and already programmed a game for the old Sinclair ZX81. Our small Devteam of four is developing some games for old platforms. My question is, if it is rather possible to sell commercial homebrews for the PS1 in some homebrew shops. I didn't find anything about it. Also is the biggest question if it is legal to sell these homebrews as we use the PSY-Q SDK...
We hope you can help us.
Greetings from germany.

P.S. We only want to release these games, so that people can have fun with them and a high range of people can play them.

Re: commercial Homebrews

Posted: August 27th, 2020, 5:16 pm
by Shadow
Should be fine, Sony won't really care. A user here (Orion) made his own game but it was released on a CD-R thus requiring a modchip. So, the hardest problem will be the mastering of discs with the wobble so it will boot on systems without a modchip. If you're going to publish your game, it should meet the "Sony standards". There is a qualification list in the SDK somewhere which you need your game to pass before releasing it.