Competition #02 - Nebula PSX DEMO
Username: t0rxe
Project Title: Nebula (DEMO)
Time to Complete: N/A
SDK: Psy-Q
Genre: Action
Latest Release: 1.0
In Development: Yes
Initial Release Date: 1/JUNE/2013
Last Date Updated: 1/JUNE/2013
Controller: Control Pad / DUAL-SHOCK
Players: 1 (Multitab support soon!)
Memory Card: 0
Languages: Eng
Burn and Play: Yes
Executable Included: Yes (can be extracted from the .bin using IsoBuster)
Source Included: No
This is a small game I was working on for the Codeblast 13' competition.
I never got around to completing it, so here is an early video of what I was working on.
Originally I was using my Xplorer to develop this, and I hard coded the addresses for the time being.
I had to change the code to include the images and music as external machine code, and for some reason the 'Press Any Button' image has messed up a little underneath... No big deal.
I still plan on finishing this game.
*EDIT* I just noticed that I forgot to add in the logo!
Oh well. What can I do now. It's already uploaded...
Here are some images and a video showing an early demo of it running...
