Competition #02 - MeidoDemo-PSX
Username: LameGuy64
Project Title: MeidoDemo-PSX
Time to Complete: 1 week
SDK: Psy-Q
Genre: Intro/Demo
Latest Release: May 21, 2013
In Development: No
Initial Release Date: May 20, 2013
Last Date Updated: May 21, 2013
Controllers: 1
Players: 1
Memory Card: None
Languages: English
Burn and Play: Yes
Executable Included: No
Source Included: Yes
This is my little entry into the PSXDEV Codeblast '13 competition.
Its a simple demo to announce that I'am entering the PSX homebrew scene for the first time ever. All my future productions for the PSX will be under my 'Meido-Tek Productions' label...That's why this demo is called Meido Demo.
Hope you'll enjoy it

- Lameguy64
Note: I recommend using ImgBurn when burning the image to a CD...And use pSX when running on an emulator so the CD audio tracks will play.
