How to setup Windows XP/7 Enviroment Variables for Psy-Q

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How to setup Windows XP/7 Enviroment Variables for Psy-Q

Post by Administrator » January 5th, 2013, 6:38 pm

Automatic Method
There is no need to follow the guide below. You can now download the registry file and run it to automatically add the required variables to Windows, not needing to manually add the variables from PSPATHS.BAT found under C:\psyq

On a side note, if you do not trust the contents of the file and what it may do to your computer, open it with notepad and check it's code before you run it.

Download for Windows XP:
Download for Windows 7:
Manual Method
As per the Psy-Q installation and setup routine, you need to use PSPATHS.BAT as an AUTOEXEC.BAT call under the older Microsoft OS's. This will then let you call and use 'psymake' in any given DOS window.

To solve this problem for Windows XP, 7 and 8, you need to add them manually from the PSPATHS.BAT file into the user defined 'Environment Variables'.

To do this, it is extremely easy:
- First, make sure that you have Psy-Q installed and setup correctly as per this guide:

- Then, go to your 'System Properties' page, and then click 'Advanced System Settings' as Administrator (or with Admin permissions)

- In the new window, go to the 'Advanced' tab, and click 'Environment Variables' at the bottom.

- Click 'New', and add all the 6 SET variables found at the start of PSPATHS.BAT (seen below).
- Make sure you enter them as 'User' variables, unless you want them as system variables for other users to use also.

- You need to add all the SET paths in as seen in the image below (make sure that you set the path to your Psy-Q folder! If you followed the tutorial in the link above, you will have it as seen in the image below).

- You do not need to add the equals (=) into the path string.

- Here you can see me adding in the first SET variable...

- Don't forget to add the 4 found at the end of PSPATHS.BAT too!

There is no need to restart. They will work as soon as you click 'OK' on the main system window. You will have to close and re-open any command prompt windows that are still running however to 'reflush' the variables.

Lastly, add a copy of CMD.EXE from C:\WINDOWS\System 32\CMD.exe to your working directory.
This will start a path for you in your working directory, making psymake a whole lot easier, and quicker to use :)
Otherwise, under Windows 7, you can hold 'SHIFT' + 'RIGHT CLICK' in any window and select, "Open command window here".

If you can't compile anything and you get a possible 'access denied' error, please read this topic.

That's all there is to it.
Enjoy faster PSX development :mrgreen:
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Post by Noplace » March 6th, 2013, 10:55 pm

Great guide, on a related note I found using dosbox to be useful for setting up Psyq

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Post by Type 79 » July 29th, 2013, 9:17 am

Some notes from Windows 8 with PsyQ 4.6.
You only need to add PSYQ_PATH as new environment variable, and add 'BIN' directory to 'path'.


The PSYQ_PATH environment variable must point to the 'BIN' directory with PSYQ.INI file.

Here is my PSYQ.INI:

Code: Select all

stdlib=libgs.lib libgte.lib libgpu.lib libspu.lib libsnd.lib libetc.lib libapi.lib libsn.lib libc.lib libcd.lib libcard.lib libsio.lib

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Post by tlrmcknz » April 2nd, 2014, 2:47 pm

Running Windows XP 32bit, I needed to add "REGEDIT4" at the top of the reg file for it to be recognized.

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Post by jman » April 14th, 2014, 7:34 am

tlrmcknz wrote:Running Windows XP 32bit, I needed to add "REGEDIT4" at the top of the reg file for it to be recognized.
That header is likely to enforce compatibility with RegEdit v4. I have v5.1 on XP/SP3 updated.
Possibly you have a older version of XP?

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Post by Administrator » March 6th, 2015, 9:34 pm

Just found a problem with the Registry file. The line PATH=C:\psyq\bin; was wrong. It should not contain a semi-colon. On a quick side note, there should also be a "TEMP" folder under C:\ for CCPSX to work correctly.

The files have been updated anyhow, and I have made two versions with Tlrmcknz's "REGEDIT4" fix (Windows 7).
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Post by sogilbert » April 30th, 2020, 11:54 pm

So, how do I do this on Windows 10?

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Post by onza22 » May 11th, 2021, 12:40 am

I just got this setup on Win 10.

Basically use the guide by lameguy64 found on this page here: and it pretty much works.

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Post by gargoyles » September 21st, 2022, 1:47 am

I have tranlated the "PlayStation Development - Setup and Install PSY-Q" into Chinese (

Chinese Tutorial: ... /126963483

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Post by gargoyles » September 24th, 2022, 4:54 pm

in my computer(xp 32bits), when I run the reg file, it would show that " The specified file is not a registration script. You can only import binary registration files in Registry Editor."
Then I add "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" to the first line and save as unicode, it succeeded.

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"GO32"="DPMISTACK 1000000"

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Post by Adri2700 » April 1st, 2024, 4:51 pm

It works! Thank you so much!

gargoyles wrote: September 24th, 2022, 4:54 pm in my computer(xp 32bits), when I run the reg file, it would show that " The specified file is not a registration script. You can only import binary registration files in Registry Editor."
Then I add "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" to the first line and save as unicode, it succeeded.

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"GO32"="DPMISTACK 1000000"

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