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Need help getting my menu to load games properly (solved)

Posted: February 2nd, 2014, 11:42 pm
by LameGuy64
I've made this little boot menu thing as a side project to aid in making of compilation discs for this year's competition and as a successor of Loser's ugly boot menu... Everything in my menu works fine and dandy but once it tries to load an EXE file, it ALWAYS crashes and I have no idea what is causing it. Maybe my menu is too fancy for the job (EXE size is 82KB but needs 380KB (including EXE code) for the music) or the LoadExec() function has its limitations.

Any useful help will be gladly appreciated as my menu looks too cool to die! :cry:

Note: All titles after Marilyn are just false titles.

Re: Need help getting my boot menu to load games properly

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 5:37 am
by CosmoGuy
In psyq's "zips" folder, there's an example called "".
I wasn't really into this yet, but maybe you'll find there something useful.

Also, your menu is cool but if you'd like to share the code some time it would be awesome :).
Maybe, when there will be enough amount of codeblalst 14' projects, someone on forum could code menu like that or, with appereance from official sony demos, as a selector for games which were into competiton :P.
Would be great and nice looking :D.

Regards :).

Re: Need help getting my boot menu to load games properly

Posted: February 3rd, 2014, 12:02 pm
by LameGuy64
Well, it turns out I was able to fix the crashing problem by loading the menu and its stack as far away from the base as possible. This is so that the game being loaded (which usually reside in the base) won't destroy the menu which is still running to load the game into memory and once the game has taken over, it can now safely destroy the menu.

I'll post the finished program once I've polished it enough for release. :D

Re: Need help getting my menu to load games properly (solved

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 9:55 am
by cobracon2
That is a very nice looking menu. How long did it take to program something like that?

Re: Need help getting my menu to load games properly (solved

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 10:21 am
by LameGuy64
About a week... 8-)