/* =========================================================== Sony PlayStation 1 Source Code =========================================================== FONT EXAMPLE Displays text on the screen using the built in GPU routines ----------------------------------------------------------- Developer / Programmer..............: SCEI & PSXDEV.net Software Ddevelopment Kit...........: PSY-Q Last Updated........................: 04/MAY/2017 Original code by SCEI | Edited by PSXDEV.net NOTE: This example uses double buffering. Copyright (C) 1994,1995 by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Development Department. All Rights Reserved. http://psxdev.net/ -----------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #define OT_LENGTH 1 // the ordertable length #define PACKETMAX 18 // the maximum number of objects on the screen #define SCREEN_WIDTH 320 // screen width #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240 // screen height (240 NTSC, 256 PAL) GsOT myOT[2]; // ordering table header GsOT_TAG myOT_TAG[2][1<