PSNee further development

General information to do with the PlayStation 1 Hardware. Including modchips, pinouts, rare or obscure development equipment, etc.
Curious PSXDEV User
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Post by LiGhTMaGiCk » July 13th, 2017, 1:41 am

rama3 wrote:I haven't tested my latest changes on all configurations but I know it might fix some issues you guys have.
So here you go.

Code: Select all

// PsNee / version
// For Arduino and ATtiny
// Quick start: Select your hardware via the #defines, compile + upload the code, install in PSX.
// There are some pictures in the development thread ( )
// Arduinos:
//  - Arduino Pro Mini @8Mhz and @16Mhz (supported, tested)
//  - Arduino Uno @8Mhz and @16Mhz (supported, tested)
//  - Arduino Pro Micro has a different pin assignment and needs some easy porting. (ToDo)
//  - Use #define ARDUINO_BOARD
// ATtiny:
//  - ATtiny85: Should work the same as ATtiny45 (supported, untested)
//  - ATtiny45: LFUSE 0xE2  HFUSE 0xDF > internal oscillator, full 8Mhz speed (supported, tested)
//  - ATtiny25: Should work the same as ATtiny45 but doesn't have enough Flash nor RAM for PSNEEDEBUG (supported, untested)
//  - Use #define ATTINY_X5
// Some extra libraries might be required, depending on the board / chip used.
// PAL PM-41 support isn't implemented yet. (ToDo)
// This code defaults to multi-region, meaning it will unlock PAL, NTSC-U and NTSC-J machines.
// You can optimize boot times for your console further. See "// inject symbols now" in the main loop.

// Choose your hardware! 
// 2 main branches available: 
//  - ATmega based > easy to use, fast and nice features for development
//  - ATtiny based > less features, internal clock has 10% variation

//#define ATTINY_X5

//#define PSNEEDEBUG

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

#if defined(ARDUINO_BOARD)
 // board pins (Do not change. Changing pins requires adjustments to MCU I/O definitions)
 #define sqck 6          // connect to PSX HC-05 SQCK pin
 #define subq 7          // connect to PSX HC-05 SUBQ pin
 #define data 8          // connect to point 6 in old modchip diagrams
 #define gate_wfck 9     // connect to point 5 in old modchip diagrams
 // MCU I/O definitions
 #define SUBQPORT PIND       // MCU port for the 2 SUBQ sampling inputs
 #define SQCKBIT 6           // PD6 "SQCK" < Mechacon pin 26 (PU-7 and early PU-8 Mechacons: pin 41)
 #define SUBQBIT 7           // PD7 "SUBQ" < Mechacon pin 24 (PU-7 and early PU-8 Mechacons: pin 39)
 #define GATEWFCKPORT PINB   // MCU port for the gate input (used for WFCK)
 #define DATAPORT PORTB      // MCU port for the gate input (used for WFCK)
 #define GATEWFCKBIT 1       // PB1
 #define DATABIT 0           // PB0
#elif defined(ATTINY_X5) // ATtiny 25/45/85
 // extras
 // board pins (Do not change. Changing pins requires adjustments to MCU I/O definitions)
 #define sqck 0
 #define subq 1
 #define data 2
 #define gate_wfck 4
 #define debugtx 3
 // MCU I/O definitions
 #define SQCKBIT 0
 #define SUBQBIT 1
 #define GATEWFCKBIT 4
 #define DATABIT 2
 #error "Select a board!"

 #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
 SoftwareSerial mySerial(-1, 3); // RX, TX. (RX -1 = off)
 #define DEBUG_PRINT(x)     mySerial.print(x)
 #define DEBUG_PRINTHEX(x)  mySerial.print(x, HEX)
 #define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x)   mySerial.println(x)
 #define DEBUG_FLUSH        mySerial.flush()
#elif defined(PSNEEDEBUG) && !defined(USINGSOFTWARESERIAL)
 #define DEBUG_PRINT(x)     Serial.print(x)
 #define DEBUG_PRINTHEX(x)  Serial.print(x, HEX)
 #define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x)   Serial.println(x)
 #define DEBUG_FLUSH        Serial.flush()
 #define DEBUG_PRINT(x)     
 #define DEBUG_PRINTHEX(x)  
 #define DEBUG_PRINTLN(x)
 #define DEBUG_FLUSH        

#define NOP __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop\n\t")

// Setup() detects which (of 2) injection methods this PSX board requires, then stores it in pu22mode.
boolean pu22mode;

const int delay_between_bits = 4000;      // 250 bits/s (microseconds) (ATtiny 8Mhz works from 3950 to 4100)
const int delay_between_injections = 90;  // 72 in oldcrow. PU-22+ work best with 80 to 100 (milliseconds)

// borrowed from AttyNee. Bitmagic to get to the SCEX strings stored in flash (because Harvard architecture)
bool readBit(int index, const unsigned char *ByteSet)
  int byte_index = index >> 3;
  byte bits = pgm_read_byte(&(ByteSet[byte_index]));
  int bit_index = index & 0x7; // same as (index - byte_index<<3) or (index%8)
  byte mask = 1 << bit_index;
  return (0 != (bits & mask));

void inject_SCEX(char region)
  //SCEE: 1 00110101 00, 1 00111101 00, 1 01011101 00, 1 01011101 00
  //SCEA: 1 00110101 00, 1 00111101 00, 1 01011101 00, 1 01111101 00
  //SCEI: 1 00110101 00, 1 00111101 00, 1 01011101 00, 1 01101101 00
  //const boolean SCEEData[44] = {1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0};
  //const boolean SCEAData[44] = {1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0};
  //const boolean SCEIData[44] = {1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0};
  static const PROGMEM unsigned char SCEEData[] = {0b01011001, 0b11001001, 0b01001011, 0b01011101, 0b11101010, 0b00000010};
  static const PROGMEM unsigned char SCEAData[] = {0b01011001, 0b11001001, 0b01001011, 0b01011101, 0b11111010, 0b00000010};
  static const PROGMEM unsigned char SCEIData[] = {0b01011001, 0b11001001, 0b01001011, 0b01011101, 0b11011010, 0b00000010};
  // pinMode(data, OUTPUT) is used more than it has to be but that's fine.
  for (byte bit_counter = 0; bit_counter < 44; bit_counter++)
    if (readBit(bit_counter, region == 'e' ? SCEEData : region == 'a' ? SCEAData : SCEIData) == 0)
      pinMode(data, OUTPUT);
      bitClear(GATEWFCKPORT,DATABIT); // data low
      if (pu22mode) {
        pinMode(data, OUTPUT);
        unsigned long now = micros();
        do {
          bool wfck_sample = bitRead(GATEWFCKPORT, GATEWFCKBIT);
          bitWrite(DATAPORT,DATABIT,wfck_sample); // output wfck signal on data pin
        while ((micros() - now) < delay_between_bits);
      else { // PU-18 or lower mode
        pinMode(data, INPUT);

  pinMode(data, OUTPUT);
  bitClear(GATEWFCKPORT,DATABIT); // pull data low

//     Setup

void setup()
  pinMode(data, INPUT); 
  pinMode(gate_wfck, INPUT); 
  pinMode(subq, INPUT); // PSX subchannel bits
  pinMode(sqck, INPUT); // PSX subchannel clock
  pinMode(debugtx, OUTPUT); // software serial tx pin
  mySerial.begin(115200); // 13,82 bytes in 12ms, max for softwareserial. (expected data: ~13 bytes / 12ms)
  #elif defined(PSNEEDEBUG) && !defined(USINGSOFTWARESERIAL)
  Serial.begin(500000); // 60 bytes in 12ms (expected data: ~26 bytes / 12ms)
  DEBUG_PRINTLN("Waiting for SQCK..");

  #if defined(ARDUINO_BOARD)
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Blink on injection / debug.
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // mark begin of setup
  // wait for console power on and stable signals
  while (!digitalRead(sqck));   
  while (!digitalRead(gate_wfck));

  // Board detection
  // GATE: __-----------------------  // this is a PU-7 .. PU-20 board!
  // WFCK: __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-  // this is a PU-22 or newer board!

  unsigned int highs, lows = 0;
  unsigned long now = millis();
  do {
    if (digitalRead(gate_wfck) == 1) highs++;
    if (digitalRead(gate_wfck) == 0) lows++;
    delayMicroseconds(200);   // good for ~5000 reads in 1s
  while ((millis() - now) < 1000); // sample 1s

  // typical readouts
  // PU-22: highs: 2449 lows: 2377
  if (lows > 100) {
    pu22mode = 1;
  else {
    pu22mode = 0;
  #ifdef ATTINY_X5
  DEBUG_PRINT("m "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(pu22mode);
  DEBUG_PRINT("highs: "); DEBUG_PRINT(highs); DEBUG_PRINT(" lows: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(lows);
  DEBUG_PRINT("pu22mode: "); DEBUG_PRINTLN(pu22mode);
  // Power saving
  // Disable the ADC by setting the ADEN bit (bit 7)  of the ADCSRA register to zero.
  ADCSRA = ADCSRA & B01111111;
  // Disable the analog comparator by setting the ACD bit (bit 7) of the ACSR register to one.
  ACSR = B10000000;
  // Disable digital input buffers on all analog input pins by setting bits 0-5 of the DIDR0 register to one.
  DIDR0 = DIDR0 | B00111111;
  #if defined(ARDUINO_BOARD)
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // setup complete
  DEBUG_FLUSH; // empty serial transmit buffer

void loop()
  static byte scbuf [12] = { 0 }; // We will be capturing PSX "SUBQ" packets, there are 12 bytes per valid read.
  static unsigned int timeout_clock_counter = 0;
  static byte bitbuf = 0;   // SUBQ bit storage
  static bool sample = 0;
  static byte bitpos = 0; 
  byte scpos = 0;           // scbuf position
  noInterrupts(); // start critical section
  // Capture 8 bits for 12 runs > complete SUBQ transmission
  bitpos = 0;
  for (; bitpos<8; bitpos++) {
    while (bitRead(SUBQPORT, SQCKBIT) == 1){
      // wait for clock to go low..
      // a timeout resets the 12 byte stream in case the PSX sends malformatted clock pulses, as happens on bootup
      if (timeout_clock_counter > 1000){
        scpos = 0;  // reset SUBQ packet stream
        timeout_clock_counter = 0;
        bitbuf = 0;
        goto start;
    // wait for clock to go high..
    while ((bitRead(SUBQPORT, SQCKBIT)) == 0); 
    sample = bitRead(SUBQPORT, SUBQBIT);
    bitbuf |= sample << bitpos;

    timeout_clock_counter = 0; // no problem with this bit

  // one byte done
  scbuf[scpos] = bitbuf;
  bitbuf = 0;

  // repeat for all 12 bytes
  if (scpos < 12){
    goto start;
  interrupts(); // end critical section

  // log SUBQ packets. We only have 12ms to get the logs written out. Slower MCUs get less formatting.
  #ifdef ATTINY_X5
  if (!(scbuf[0] == 0 && scbuf[1] == 0 && scbuf[2] == 0 && scbuf[3] == 0)){ // a bad sector read is all 0 except for the CRC fields. Don't log it.
    for (int i = 0; i<12;i++) {
      if (scbuf[i] < 0x10) {DEBUG_PRINT("0");} // padding
  if (!(scbuf[0] == 0 && scbuf[1] == 0 && scbuf[2] == 0 && scbuf[3] == 0)){
    for (int i = 0; i<12;i++) {
      if (scbuf[i] < 0x10) {DEBUG_PRINT("0");} // padding
      DEBUG_PRINT(" ");

  // check if read head is in wobble area
  // We only want to unlock game discs (0x41) and only if the read head is in the outer TOC area.
  // We want to see a TOC sector repeatedly before injecting (helps with timing and marginal lasers).
  // All this logic is because we don't know if the HC-05 is actually processing a getSCEX() command.
  // Hysteresis is used because older drives exhibit more variation in read head positioning. 
  // While the laser lens moves to correct for the error, they can pick up a few TOC sectors.  
  static byte hysteresis  = 0;
  if ( 
    (scbuf[0] == 0x41 &&  scbuf[1] == 0x00 &&  scbuf[6] == 0x00) &&   // [0] = 41 means psx game disk. the other 2 checks are garbage protection
    (scbuf[2] == 0xA0 || scbuf[2] == 0xA1 || scbuf[2] == 0xA2 ||      // if [2] = A0, A1, A2 ..
    (scbuf[2] == 0x01 && (scbuf[3] >= 0x98 || scbuf[3] <= 0x02) ) )   // .. or = 01 but then [3] is either > 98 or < 02
  ) {
  else if ( hysteresis > 0 && 
          ((scbuf[0] == 0x01 || scbuf[0] == 0x41) && (scbuf[1] == 0x00 /*|| scbuf[1] == 0x01*/) &&  scbuf[6] == 0x00)
  ) {  // This CD has the wobble into CD-DA space. (started at 0x41, then went into 0x01)
  else if (hysteresis > 0) {
    hysteresis--; // None of the above. Initial detection was noise. Decrease the counter.

  // hysteresis value "optimized" using very worn but working drive on ATmega328 @ 16Mhz
  // should be fine on other MCUs and speeds, as the PSX dictates SUBQ rate
  if (hysteresis >= 14){ 
    // If the read head is still here after injection, resending should be quick.
    // Hysteresis naturally goes to 0 otherwise (the read head moved).
    hysteresis = 11;

    #ifdef ATTINY_X5
    #if defined(ARDUINO_BOARD)
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    pinMode(data, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(data, 0); // pull data low
    if (!pu22mode){
      pinMode(gate_wfck, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(gate_wfck, 0);
    // HC-05 waits for a bit of silence (pin low) before it begins decoding.
    // inject symbols now. 2 x 3 runs seems optimal to cover all boards
    for (byte loop_counter = 0; loop_counter < 2; loop_counter++)
      inject_SCEX('e'); // e = SCEE, a = SCEA, i = SCEI
      inject_SCEX('a'); // injects all 3 regions by default
      inject_SCEX('i'); // optimize boot time by sending only your console region letter (all 3 times per loop)

    if (!pu22mode){
      pinMode(gate_wfck, INPUT); // high-z the line, we're done
    pinMode(data, INPUT); // high-z the line, we're done
    #if defined(ARDUINO_BOARD)
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
// keep catching SUBQ packets forever

Sweet, don't know if it'll fix my problems but I'll give it a whirl when I get home from work. Thanks :D

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Post by kalymnos77 » July 13th, 2017, 2:43 am

I have no time to test sorry, I just updated github.

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Post by rama3 » July 13th, 2017, 4:25 am

kalymnos77: I just made a small change to the code posted ( //#define ARDUINO_BOARD ).
Now no board is selected by default. This forces people to read the intro and select the right hardware.
This is important, now that there's several supported branches that are different electrically.
If you have the time, please update once more.

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Post by damopinn » July 13th, 2017, 6:11 am

Hi, I tested on attiny85 at 8mhz working fine. Should I put my ps1 back together yet?

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Post by rama3 » July 13th, 2017, 6:21 am

Well, there won't be any new features. All that might happen is better reliability across multiple boards and chips.
So yea, zip her up! :p

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Post by LiGhTMaGiCk » July 13th, 2017, 6:29 am

rama3 wrote:Well, there won't be any new features. All that might happen is better reliability across multiple boards and chips.
So yea, zip her up! :p
I still get the same result on mine. :-(

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Post by LiGhTMaGiCk » July 13th, 2017, 6:41 am

LiGhTMaGiCk wrote:
rama3 wrote:Well, there won't be any new features. All that might happen is better reliability across multiple boards and chips.
So yea, zip her up! :p
I still get the same result on mine. :-(
I think I might have to completely disconnect it to test if the unit functions normally without any modifications.

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Post by rama3 » July 13th, 2017, 7:00 am

Yep. It sounds like you initially flashed the ATtiny version onto the Arduino, right?
I don't think the IDE will allow you to do this but it's surely possible somehow.
It's best if you disconnect the 4 signal wires (power wires can stay on) and check PSX functionality.

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Post by LiGhTMaGiCk » July 13th, 2017, 7:17 am

rama3 wrote:Yep. It sounds like you initially flashed the ATtiny version onto the Arduino, right?
I don't think the IDE will allow you to do this but it's surely possible somehow.
It's best if you disconnect the 4 signal wires (power wires can stay on) and check PSX functionality.
no I made very certain to flash the arduino version. After full disconnect it looks like my system just has a problem. Now I get to try and figure it out. :-)

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Post by rama3 » July 13th, 2017, 7:45 am

You probably don't have an oscilloscope, do you?

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Post by LiGhTMaGiCk » July 13th, 2017, 7:55 am

rama3 wrote:You probably don't have an oscilloscope, do you?
I wish I did. I might pick up one of the simple kit ones soon, not sure how much help it'd be though.

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Post by kalymnos77 » July 13th, 2017, 7:59 am

I just made it like that, we'll see if they understand as his.

// 2 main branches available:
// - ATmega based > easy to use, fast and nice features for development
// - ATtiny based > less features, internal clock has 10% variation

//#define ATTINY_X5

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Post by rama3 » July 13th, 2017, 8:12 am

I don't think it has to be aggressive as there's only 2 things that can happen:
- user doesn't read and hits "upload" > IDE complains "Choose your hardware!"
- user reads and selects their hardware > everything is fine

But yea, it's my fault for not thinking of this earlier. The code got complex, so it's more likely to happen..

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Post by kalymnos77 » July 13th, 2017, 3:33 pm

Here is a little less aggressive. I was leaving a jam rock, that's why I was screaming :mrgreen:

//| Choose your hardware! |
// 2 main branches available:
// - ATmega based > easy to use, fast and nice features for development
// - ATtiny based > less features, internal clock has 10% variation

//#define ATTINY_X5


P.S. Test on my config, works well. SCPH-102, Arduino pro mimi ATmega328 16 MHz.

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Post by rama3 » July 14th, 2017, 1:15 am

Alright, this looks good. Weekend is coming up and I plan to do tests as well :)

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Post by damopinn » July 14th, 2017, 6:10 am

Hi, tomorrow my ftdi usb programmer is coming. Will i be able to do any useful testing with it and my attiny85?

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Post by rama3 » July 14th, 2017, 7:52 am

That is a USB < > Serial bridge adapter, right?
It can be used to program Arduino boards that have the Arduino bootloader installed.
It won't work for blank chips, like ATtiny or erased Arduino boards.
(Most cheap clones come with the bootloader installed, so you'll be fine.)

On topic of ATtiny:
I just realized I'm out of pins for the PAL PSone BIOS patch.
Getting around that requires a bunch of extra code again.
I'm probably going to have to ditch the WFCK signal *only* for these consoles. Sigh..

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Post by damopinn » July 14th, 2017, 8:39 am

It's a usb serial thing. Will I be able to do any useful debugging with that? I read that you only have an attiny45. Maybe I could send you some useful information. I have no problem programming using arduino as isp. Maybe could be useful so you can burn the fuses to use the reset pin as an I/O pin but still be able to program it again.

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Post by rama3 » July 14th, 2017, 10:01 am

I have a few options for the problem and I will go with the one that's safest for end users.
It's most likely going to be a synthesized WFCK signal since I already have that code.
The bigger headache is the timing requirement of the patch vs things like the bootloader delay (if present) and MCU clock.

I don't think your adapter is offering anything you don't already have.
For example, the Arduino you use for ISP is equipped with this functionality as standard.

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Post by rama3 » July 15th, 2017, 6:50 am

So far I haven't got the patch to work. The problem might be that I have an ATtiny on a breadboard for easier debugging.
It also has external 3.3V power. Maybe it needs to sit closer to the board and use the PSX power for the timings to work.
But this will be a pain to develop for :/

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