Net Yaroze Font

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Net Yaroze Font

Post by dulsi » February 19th, 2020, 3:03 pm

I've been working on writing a libps implementation of the functions I use on my Net Yaroze game Yaroid. I want to have the game run under linux but still use the unmodified Net Yaroze code. I've got it up and running without any text. Any body know what the net yaroze did for the system font? Was it a mono space 16x16 scaled to fit the area?

My Net Yaroze seems to work but my laptop doesn't have a serial port. So far my attempts at getting an older computer running with a serial port has failed.

EDIT: I still haven't had a chance to play with the actual Net Yaroze. However, I played around with different sizes and found 8x8 seems to be the one that looks right for the menu.

EDIT2: Looks like I actually made screenshots at one point but never updated the yaroid page. Lowercase characters are displayed in uppercase.

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