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PSX Port of Signal To Noise by Solanimus Inc.

Posted: January 3rd, 2015, 2:43 pm
by 90% Games
I've been working with Solanimus Inc. for about half-a-year now and so far the game we are creating is really awesome. I thought, "why not have some fun and create a PSX port of it". Any programming is good practice in the end. I have no idea what I've got myself into, but it will be worth it in the end. I can't provide too much information on the game as the actual version of the game is still under dev. I'll still post screenshots every once and awhile and provide information that I am allowed to give. If you want to check out the version for Wii U and PC, go to . Hope you guys enjoy!

Re: PSX Port of Signal To Noise by Solanimus Inc.

Posted: February 20th, 2015, 11:52 am
by 90% Games
Hey guys, quick update; I've been busy with a lot of stuff for work and my own stuff (you BUT, I finally have an actual machine running windows 95 C, on a 160gb HDD nonetheless, so I hope I can actually start working on things for my game. It might take me some time as I have to get used to C again since I've mostly done C# and JavaScript for work. Hope to have good for you guys next time!