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Posted: December 24th, 2020, 11:22 pm
by ps80
I've seen an old post from 2016 about building a USB to Xplorer cable called XlinkUSB, can this be used for creating codes using Xlink or Xlink95 and a standard Xplorer cartridge or is this not what it was designed for? I have an old laptop I use for finding codes for games but I thought I'd try to use my main XP machine, that has non of the old ports, as it would be easier than setting up my laptop every time I want to make a quick code.

Re: XlinkUSB

Posted: December 25th, 2020, 3:47 am
by danhans42
No it was designed to be used with Caetla, that's it.

Re: XlinkUSB

Posted: December 25th, 2020, 7:09 am
by danhans42
Sorry my reply was a bit curt.

Yeah xlinkusb only works with Caetla from what I've tried. Also it was quite limited in what it could do as not all Caetla functions were implemented.

Unfortunately the only route is with a parallel port for xlink use currently. You can do it with a modern machine you just need a proper parallel port card and you can run xlink for dos under dosbox-x.. it supports parallel passthru