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CD-ROM data read emulation

Posted: March 23rd, 2019, 11:31 pm
by Laban
This may not necessarily be posted in the correct section (feel free to move it if so), but it felt the most fitting.

I was wondering if there's any best practice or otherwise common approach to emulate CD reads from disk (ie. a HDD folder) when testing a PS-EXE via an emulator (No$PSX in my case)?
This seems like something most basements devs would want to do sooner or later, yet I haven't found any information regarding it. Do some virtual CD drivers exist that can mount a folder (and make up a suitable file system table for it on the fly) for example?
Actually re-building an ISO file for each test run seems debilitatingly tedious.

Grateful for any insights!

Edit: As a matter of fact, I put together a build script to run all the ISO making tools (excluding psxlicense which runs rather slow and isn't needed for local testing anyway) without any prompts and it does build in a couple of seconds. Of course I'm not having any large amounts of media for now but maybe this will do :)