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[Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 23rd, 2019, 11:14 pm

Using DRAWENV draw and PutDrawEnv(&draw), i can modify the screen size in the while loop dynamically.

Here is the visualisation of how it's works right now:
► Show Spoiler
Almost working.
I'm curious, is it possible to scale the screen dynamically for show full resolution in smaller in-game screen?

Thanks for the answer!

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 24th, 2019, 3:50 am
by MihaiGamerXD
Mm... I don't think it's possible, I didn't tried out.

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 24th, 2019, 6:56 am

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 24th, 2019, 7:30 am
by MihaiGamerXD
I can see. But your second screenshot is the same as the video! Isn't it?

EDIT: Also, give me your source code so I can help you.

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 26th, 2019, 9:04 pm
I managed to get PutDrawEnv to work with GS stuff. Still curious about the screen scale.
Here is the code.

EDIT: Fixed the Display() code

Code: Select all


void startup_init() {

	// . . .

	draw[0] = GsDRAWENV;
	draw[0].clip.x = 0; draw[0].clip.y = 0;
	draw[0].clip.w = SCREENXRES; draw[0].clip.h = SCREENYRES;
	draw[0].ofs[0] = draw[0].clip.x;
	draw[0].ofs[1] = draw[0].clip.y;

	draw[1] = GsDRAWENV;
	draw[1].clip.x = 0; draw[1].clip.y = SCREENYRES;
	draw[1].clip.w = SCREENXRES; draw[1].clip.h = SCREENYRES;
	draw[1].ofs[0] = draw[1].clip.x;
	draw[1].ofs[1] = draw[1].clip.y;

	// . . .


Code: Select all

void game_scene() {
	// . . .

	while (1) {

		ActiveBuffer = GsGetActiveBuff();
		GsClearOt(0, 0, &myOT[ActiveBuffer]);
		gte_myPrimPtr = &gte_myPrims[ActiveBuffer][0];


		if ( {

			// . . .

			// Sorry for that FntPrint """code""", i made it only for simple tests :)
			FntPrint("%sGAME SETTINGS\n", (dbg.cur_pos == 2+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1] ? "->" : "  "));
			if (dbg.sub[2] == true) {
				if (dbg.cur_pos == 3+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1]) {
					if (Button_Press(0, D_LEFT, PD_LEFT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.x --; draw[1].clip.x --; }
					if (Button_Press(0, D_RIGHT, PD_RIGHT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.x ++; draw[1].clip.x ++; }
				} else if (dbg.cur_pos == 4+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1]) {
					if (Button_Press(0, D_LEFT, PD_LEFT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.y --; draw[1].clip.y --; }
					if (Button_Press(0, D_RIGHT, PD_RIGHT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.y ++; draw[1].clip.y ++; }
				} else if (dbg.cur_pos == 5+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1]) {
					if (Button_Press(0, D_LEFT, PD_LEFT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.w --; draw[1].clip.w --; }
					if (Button_Press(0, D_RIGHT, PD_RIGHT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.w ++; draw[1].clip.w ++; }
				} else if (dbg.cur_pos == 6+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1]) {
					if (Button_Press(0, D_LEFT, PD_LEFT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.h --; draw[1].clip.h --; }
					if (Button_Press(0, D_RIGHT, PD_RIGHT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].clip.h ++; draw[1].clip.h ++; }
				} else if (dbg.cur_pos == 7+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1]) {
					if (Button_Press(0, D_LEFT, PD_LEFT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].ofs[0] --; draw[1].ofs[0] --; }
					if (Button_Press(0, D_RIGHT, PD_RIGHT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].ofs[0] ++; draw[1].ofs[0] ++; }
				} else if (dbg.cur_pos == 8+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1]) {
					if (Button_Press(0, D_LEFT, PD_LEFT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].ofs[1] --; draw[1].ofs[1] --; }
					if (Button_Press(0, D_RIGHT, PD_RIGHT, HOLD)) {
						draw[0].ofs[1] ++; draw[1].ofs[1] ++; }

				FntPrint("%s Screen X: %d\n",
					(dbg.cur_pos == 3+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1] ? "->" : "  "),
					draw[0].clip.x );
				FntPrint("%s Screen Y: %d\n",
					(dbg.cur_pos == 4+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1] ? "->" : "  "),
					draw[0].clip.y );
				FntPrint("%s Screen W: %d\n",
					(dbg.cur_pos == 5+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1] ? "->" : "  "),
					draw[0].clip.w );
				FntPrint("%s Screen H: %d\n",
					(dbg.cur_pos == 6+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1] ? "->" : "  "),
					draw[0].clip.h );
				FntPrint("%s Offset 0: %d\n",
					(dbg.cur_pos == 7+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1] ? "->" : "  "),
					draw[0].ofs[0] );
				FntPrint("%s Offset 1: %d\n",
					(dbg.cur_pos == 8+dbg.sub_list[0]+dbg.sub_list[1] ? "->" : "  "),
					draw[0].ofs[1] );


			// . . .

		// . . . (here was the SORT code)



		GsSortClear(g_iGS_R, g_iGS_G, g_iGS_B, &myOT[ActiveBuffer]);		// 

		ActiveDisp ^= 1;					// Swap active draw display
		PutDrawEnv(&draw[ActiveDisp]);		// Put active draw display



Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 27th, 2019, 8:14 am
Hmm. I found something about how they're do that.
Look at this images.
► Show Spoiler
As you can see, on the second image, the screenshot of the game appearing on the VRAM memory. So, they're not scale the game display, but they're made the screenshot, put it to VRAM and then sort it (?)

Okay, i have only one question.
How to transfer the display screen to VRAM?

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 27th, 2019, 7:37 pm
by LameGuy64
The hardware cannot really scale the size of the picture shown on the screen. The closest you can get to accomplish such a thing is by a combination of choosing one of five supported horizontal screen resolutions (256, 320, 384, 512, 640) and one of two vertical screen resolutions (240 and 480 for NTSC, 256 and 512 for PAL), then setting coordinates in DISPENV.screen to adjust the picture position and amount of pixels shown on screen. I haven't tried it personally but it should work in theory.

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 27th, 2019, 8:57 pm
I tried to modify the DISPENV parameters, of course. It didn't work so well.
So, the only way to do that, is making the screenshot of the display to VRAM. But still, how they're do that? I have 2 theories about that. They're get the every pixel color from the screen or they're just copy the display RECT? By the way, is it possible to get the pixel color from the display?

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 29th, 2019, 8:11 am
by Shadow
NITROYUASH wrote: August 27th, 2019, 8:57 pm I tried to modify the DISPENV parameters, of course. It didn't work so well.
So, the only way to do that, is making the screenshot of the display to VRAM. But still, how they're do that?
StoreImage and LoadImage.

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 29th, 2019, 12:33 pm
by LameGuy64
The most efficient method I could come up with is to draw to a off-screen area using a DR_AREA primitive, then switch to your main drawing area with DR_AREA then draw the off-screen one as a 16-bit texture. The off-screen draw area should only be up to 256x256 as that's the maximum addressable texture size per page, unless you span the drawing across multiple primitives.

I do not recommend doing screen scaling on the PS1 unless you want poor image quality, as scaling without any kind of filtering will look like a shimmery mess.

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: August 30th, 2019, 5:11 am
Shadow wrote: August 29th, 2019, 8:11 am
NITROYUASH wrote: August 27th, 2019, 8:57 pm I tried to modify the DISPENV parameters, of course. It didn't work so well.
So, the only way to do that, is making the screenshot of the display to VRAM. But still, how they're do that?
StoreImage and LoadImage.
It's working! No idea why i made it to work only after your message, because i tried to do something with StoreImage before. Maybe because i wasn't sure if this would work.

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: October 6th, 2019, 8:23 pm
Don't want to make another theme so i decided to ask here.
Can i change the Black Flag for a prepared data for VRAM (StoreImage/LoadImage method)?
I mean, this flag can be turned off for TIM's:

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: October 7th, 2019, 8:03 pm
by LameGuy64
LoadImage/StoreImage always retains and overwrites the STP bits of pixels being read or written. 16-bit TIMs have STP bits in all pixels while 8-bit and 4-bit TIMs have the STP bits in the CLUT pixels instead.

True black (0, 0, 0) is normally treated as the transparent color when drawn using textured sprite or polygon primitives. But if the STP bit is set, true black pixels will be drawn instead of being fully transparent.

Re: [Question] Screen scale?

Posted: February 21st, 2020, 9:49 am
by MrQuetch
LameGuy64 wrote: October 7th, 2019, 8:03 pm LoadImage/StoreImage always retains and overwrites the STP bits of pixels being read or written. 16-bit TIMs have STP bits in all pixels while 8-bit and 4-bit TIMs have the STP bits in the CLUT pixels instead.

True black (0, 0, 0) is normally treated as the transparent color when drawn using textured sprite or polygon primitives. But if the STP bit is set, true black pixels will be drawn instead of being fully transparent.
Is there an exact function for setting the STP bits so we can choose when we want true black (0, 0, 0) to be transparent or not? Thanks for the information, by the way - I was curious as to how this worked.