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Yaroze SDK opensource

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 2:51 am
by Davide_G
I thought I'd ask Sony to release Yaroze SDK opensource for the 20th anniversary of Playstation.
It is a good idea?

Re: Yaroze SDK opensource

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 1:49 pm
by Administrator
The Yaroze SDK is directly based off of the Psy-Q SDK. If you want it open source, you better have an exceptional amount of skill for R3000 assembler since the libraries are written under it. You're also asking the wrong people. The SDK was written by the Psygnosis Ltd in conjunction with S.N.Systems. I have some open libs, but not all of them. I also don't think it's a good idea to be honest. The poor guys had to write thousands of lines pure assembly. Why should they give it out for free.

Re: Yaroze SDK opensource

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 7:43 pm
by Davide_G
Sorry for my bad English
The Yaroze SDK is directly based off of the Psy-Q SDK. If you want it open source, you better have an exceptional amount of skill for R3000 assembler since the libraries are written under it.
You are right.
You're also asking the wrong people. The SDK was written by the Psygnosis Ltd in conjunction with S.N.Systems. I have some open libs, but not all of them.
I know that Sony has acquired it in 1993. It's correct?
The poor guys had to write thousands of lines pure assembly. Why should they give it out for free.
Because it is an old project and no one earns more. Sony would gain in image.

Re: Yaroze SDK opensource

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 8:35 pm
by Administrator
Yes, Sony did acquire S.N.Systems and Psygnosis, but they better now known as 'Studio Liverpool'. Too bad the acquisition didn't make them survive. I also doubt anyone still has the source codes. I've spoken with many developers and all of them would state along the lines of, "we lost the source code ages ago". True or not, who knows, but it's disappointing.

Re: Yaroze SDK opensource

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 2:21 am
by Davide_G
If so it would be a shame! :crying
At this point it seems to me must have an official response from Sony. To get more visibility you could make a petition on behalf of the forum.
If it goes wrong we will receive NO for answer.