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I don't like introducing me...

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 10:36 pm
by Mdrb
... but I'll do it anyway ;)

So, I'm a hobbyist who loves the oldschool dev (GB, PS, GP32, DC, etc). You can't imagine how happy I am to have found a place talking about PlayStation dev which is still active! Also, I'm amazed by the awesome PSIO project! :clap

My first approach with the PS programming was back in 2000... I can't remember the amount of time spent on reading the libref and libovr documents, but I didn't make anything which was good enough to be shared (just some basic tests as handling sprites, loading 3D models and texturing them). Finally, I give it up because the PsyQ archives that I did found on the Internet was quite incomplete: lacks of examples, docs, some header file was corrupted :cry:

So I'm very exited, 12 year later, to find a full PsyQ SDK on this website (many thanks to the person who upload them)! This tempt me to play around with them, and I hope this time I'll be able to release something.

ps: I'm french, and I don't speak english very well, so please excuse me if there's some mistakes or if some things are incomprehensibles :roll:

Re: I don't like introducing me...

Posted: July 18th, 2012, 10:45 pm
by Shadow
Welcome to PSXDEV and thanks for the comments on PSIO. We are trying very hard to get it finished.
Please work on your test projects and release them. Anything like a sprite example or intro is fine!
Your English is good by the way. Good, clear and laid out well.

Re: I don't like introducing me...

Posted: July 29th, 2012, 11:53 am
by Mdrb
Hi shadow ! Thanks a lot for the welcome and your encouragements :)

I'm sorry to reply so late, I was a bit busy to write some pieces of code... I don't know exactly what I'll do with it, probably a small technical demo as you suggest. Actually it only scrolls a tiled map with some animated sprites on it, while playing a CD track (and also a small scroll writer on the top of the screen). As you can see that's just the basics (using GsSPRITE, GsBG etc) but I'm working on it and I'll post it here with the sources when I'll get something interesting ;)

I wish you good luck with the PSIO project, I can't wait to see it finished!