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Let me introduce Myself

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 3:47 am
by eletronx
Hello All,

Let me introduce myself, My name is Anderson, I'm Technician and Electric Engineer. I'm from Brazil and I will try to help with the project PSIO with some money and with distribution here in Brazil.

For the money I suggest that you (moderator) put the target to be reached at the website project, to incentivate us to reache the costs of the project, as soon as I know how much we will need I will make my donation as much as I Can.

For distribution this awesome solution I am a active member from an collectors group that discuss retrogaming, everyday, I stimate that this group has almost a hundread active members.

To distribute this in Brazil
We have some local PCB board developer/manufacturers
We have some local electronic components distributors/sellers
So I think that we have no problem to manufact in Brazil, or just import some boards direct already done

Well My intentions is to help!

Thank you all, for the project and Let's do it!

Re: Let me introduce Myself

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 9:06 pm
by Administrator
Thanks and welcome to the forums.
When a prototype is up and running, we will accept pre-orders.

Re: Let me introduce Myself

Posted: March 31st, 2012, 1:04 am
by bizarro2011
OLa anderson , sou Bernardo tambem sou do Brasil. Bom saber que tem brasileiros aqui, gostaria de trocar mais ideias com voce. meu e-mail: aber_35(at)hotmail(d0t)com